Customer Testimonials

“We continue to appreciate the quality of service you provide us.”

Dough and Ann F.

 “Thank you! The driveway has never looked so good.”


 “Hi PJ and Mike, WE love the riding ring and really enjoyed doing business with you!…we’ll be in touch when we need more footing.”

Rebekah and Scott

 “Dear PJ & Mike,

The road looks great! Many thanks again for a nice job and mulch delivery. Have a good Spring! Regards,”


“Dear Mike,

Our ring area and the other small area you graded look perfect and we really appreciate the nice work you did. We finished seeding and fertilizing yesterday. Hope it rains soon! Thanks very much.”

Mike & Mary T.

“PS. Thanks for cleaning out the run-in shed too.”

“We appreciate the great work and would highly recommend your services!”


“Dear Mike,

Thanks so much for a beautiful job in my barn!!! I look forward to working with you again soon.”



It’s been three weeks since Mike worked on our driveway and it is still hard and smooth. Everything is packed down real well, and the traffic for two houses doesn’t seem to be affecting it. I’m glad we didn’t wait until spring to get the job done. Please let Mike know I really appreciate the good work.”


“Dear Mike and PJ,

Thanks so much for taking care of our driveway on such short notice. It looks really great and so far the section with the ruts is holding up well. You both made the experience both a personal and professional pleasure. I know I will be contacting you for future work. Sincerely,”

Joseph R.


Thanks for the great service! Thanks again.”


“Dear PJ and Mike,

Thank you so much for finishing the ring for us before the “Big Wedding.” It looks so good, and the horses love it too. Y’all are such nice people and I continue to recommend your work. We hope you have a nice Easter! Thanks again.”


“Thank you so much. You guys were great to work with.”



I just returned from a trip overseas. Thank you for taking care of my drive so quickly. My wife now speaks to me! Best Regards,”

Bruce B.