Bramhall Trucking, Inc is a family owned and operated business. Along with all the family members, we also have hardworking, dedicated and highly skilled drivers. Together, we are the faces and voices that will help you carry your load! Continue reading below to learn more about our team members.
Mike and PJ Bramhall
Mike and PJ are the founders and co-owners of Bramhall Trucking, Inc. They are long time locals of Loudoun County. Mike has lived here his whole life and PJ moved here when she was 9.
They have 4 wonderful children, Jake, Jess, Jarrett and Mandy, a wonderful daughter-in-law, Ashleigh, and are G-Pa and G-ma to an adorable grandson, Coltin. They enjoy going 4-wheeling, riding horses, gardening and other outdoor activities together and as a family. They are both members of the Land Improvement Contractors of America (LICA) and have been active members in the Loudoun County 4-H program. In 2014, the Loudoun County Fair was dedicated to Mike and his family for their numerous years of contributions and participation with the 4-H programs and fair.
Mike has previously worked as a dispatcher for Sea Way Transport and driven over the road for Bullard Trucking. He has completed a Foundations of Brake Clinic certification and DOT Training for Supervisors. Mike has been driving trucks for over 25 years and has had many years of hands on experience, working with trucks and other equipment. Some of Mike’s specialties are gravel spreading, building shed pads and riding rings, resolving drainage issues and building personal relationships with his customers. You can find Mike at the barn working on trucks, out meeting with customers, in his Bobcat fixing any and all problems or spending time at the local pizza shop with his family. He is the face of Bramhall Trucking.
PJ has worked as a middle school math teacher at Smarts Mill Middle School and Sterling Middle School. She received her B.A. in Economics from The University of Virginia. She uses her background in Economics and experience in banking to manage the financial aspect of the business. PJ can be found in the office answering phones, keeping up with all of the paperwork and coordinating all of the business activities as well as fulfilling the full time job of “Mom.” She is the voice of Bramhall Trucking.

Jake Bramhall
Jake is the oldest child of Mike and PJ. He grew up doing 4-H, working around the family farm and helping Mike with the trucks. Upon graduation from Loudoun Valley High School, he went to Purdue University. Jake then transferred to Virginia Tech, his dream school, where he later received his Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Economics. He has worked for Willard Agri Services and on a harvesting crew out in the Midwest. Jake has since decided he wanted to return to his roots and come back to work for the family business. He now has a beautiful wife, Ashleigh, and a wonderful son, Coltin. When he is not fixing trucks, hauling loads or meeting with customers, he can be found spending time with his family, working with show animals and hunting with his friends. With the help of his agricultural background, Jake handles a large portion of our over the road trucking.